Breastfeeding Rant

If breastfeeding is as easy as putting water and scoop of milk into a bottle, formula milk wont be popular. I mean, there are lots of things to keep in mind like food to avoid, clogging, soreness, let out of milk, helping your child to latch, etc. I cant even believe that you actually need to teach a baby to properly latch, shouldn't it be innate? And oh, add the judgmental eyes of the people when you breastfeed in public in the complexities of breastfeeding list.

This is the most informative video I've seen so far: Breastfeeding: Getting a Good Latch Every Time

So here's a list of rants:

1. Latching is crazy - if you do it wrong, your nipple will hurt and your milk supply will slow down. So basically, it's everything. Should it be simple? No. How could a first time mom and a first time human know how to work together and perform that dreaded latch? Even if you watch a hundred videos (like I did), and read a hundred articles and asked a hundred moms, latching can only be performed perfectly by you and your baby. So practice, research and practice proper latching. Just make sure it's a proper latch you're practicing. *wink*

2. You are badly needed. The baby can't literally eat without you. It's not just a romantic fancy quote of boyfriend-girlfriend which says "I can't eat without you...". It's crazy, again. When you're hungry and your baby is, of course, as a mom, you will let your baby eat first. The key is that you have to find time to eat even if it's not yet 12noon for lunch or 7pm for dinner. Just eat. You need food to be able to make food for your baby.

3. The low milk supply and slow milk flow problem. This is my major stress. I feel like I have a low milk supply even if I've been doing everything to boost it - malunggay supplements, soup, massage, etc. The only thing I haven't tried is looking for a lactation consultant. Maybe that's the answer. OR MAYBE I dont really have a low milk supply at all. During the first month I got depressed thinking of my milk supply but then after a while I learned to let it go. If I think baby is hungry because he cannot get enough milk from me, I give him formula milk and we're done - he sleeps, I'm not stressed. I know, breast milk advocates will be like "why give him formula milk?". For me, it works. What's the total fret about formula milk? My first baby was breastfed only a month and the rest was formula milk in a bottle and she grew up just fine, perfect and healthy. BUT I still want to give the best for my baby now that I know the benefits of breastfeeding so, as the baby's pedia advised, I pumped milk so that when he gets fussy because the flow is too slow, I can give him the expressed milk.

4. There are lots of things to be considered that needs much attention. Before, when women are expected only to look over the child and are not involved in corporate lives, they can pay attention to these breastfeeding details. Today is different, I want to work and earn money and I need to breastfeed. So there's mastisis, breast engorgement, breast milk life span after expressing, breastfeeding position, hunger cues, etc. It's a lot to take so I took it one step at a time.

My baby and I are still trying to get the hang of our breastfeeding journey. Now I know why it's called a journey. You learn things all through out and you grow together. Will I recommend breastfeeding? Absolutely, Yes.

Here's a picture of my breastfed baby


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