Cough and Colds During Pregnancy

Don't worry! You're baby's going to be fine.

Although moms-to-be will be very worried when they catch colds and cough during pregnancy, this infection will not harm your baby. Just make sure that you won't take any medicine, whether herbal or not, without your doctor's advice. I had horrible cough, twice, during my first pregnancy. Since I was a first-time mom that time, I got so worried that it will affect my baby. But then she grew in my tummy just fine.

On my first trimester, I got a week-long cough and colds because I got soaked in the rain. I'm used to get soak in the rain and loved it but I learned immunity drops when you're pregnant. The doctor prescribed Mucosolvan for cough and Drixine for colds. I did not buy Mucosolvan because my cough that time was already getting better.

On my third trimester, specifically on the week of my due date, I catched cough again. This time, my doctor advised that I take Strepsils but when it did not alleviate my condition, she prescribed Mucoslvan again which I already took. She did not advise me to take Mucosolvan's regular dosage. I just gargled and swallowed half-a-teaspoon of the medicine to relieve my itching throat and chest congestion. 

Tip: Drink a lot of calamansi juice! Make sure it's not hot so that the Vitamin C wont be destroyed.

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